Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 12, 2012

IELTS WRITING - Adverbial clause

1.      Adverbial clause
Nature of an adverbial clause
Adv + main clause
2.      Comparison & contrast
Because I am sick, I cannot go to school
I am sick. So, I cannot go to school
Because American economy is witnessing financial meltdown, this affects the world's economy.

American economy witnessing …

3.      Reduced adverbial clause
► NOTE: Trong trường hợp Adverbial clause khó tính hơn relative clause thì S của main clause và phụ phải trùng nhau.
            Đổi với trường hợp Because phải có of: Because of
·         Beginning: If loved by him, I will do anything for him.
·         Middle: I, if loved by him, will do anything for him.
·         Ending: I will do anything for him if loved by him.
Line graph:

·         C1: Ving thuần túy
Sau khi giảm mạnh vào tháng 1, số lượng gái tân giữ nguyên không đổi vào tháng 2 trước khi tăng vọt vào tháng 3.
·         C2: Dạng N thuần túy
Sau một sự giảm mạnh vào tháng 1, số lượng gái tân giữ nguyên không đổi vào tháng 2 trước 1 sự tăng vọt vào tháng 3.
·         C3: Hỗn hợp Ving & N
Sau một sự giảm mạnh vào tháng 1, số lượng gái tân giữ nguyên và đổi vào tháng 2 trước khi tăng vọt vào tháng 3.
·         C4: Gen hỗn hợp: Relative & Adverbial
Sau một sự giảm mạnh vào tháng 1, số lượng gái tân giữ nguyên không đổi, theo sau bởi 1 sự tăng nhanh.
·         C1: After seeing a considerable fall, the number of call girls remains the same, before dramatically climbing.
·         C2: After a significant fall, the number of call girls remains unchanged, before a dramatic rise.
·         C3: After a substantial fall, the quantity of call girls stabilizes, before ending the period with a rapid climb.
·         C4: Starving with a dramatic fall, the amount of call girls reaches a plateau, before a rapid increase.

Process writing
Plaque: Raw syngas

            After coal & oxygen are brought into the furnace & burnt at high temperature, raw syngas is born.
Contrasting adv clause in writing task 1

·         Trong khi mà số lượng gái gọi giảm đáng kể, điều ngược lại đúng ở số lượng call boys.
     While the number of call girls goes down in recent months, the opposite is true of call boys in Lena's class.
·         Despite / After witnessing a contrasting pattern for the first 2 months, both numbers of boys & girls remain the same during later period.

Application in writing task 1 with different subjects in bar chart

·         While the highest numbers of compost tones belong to Vietnam & Canada, the opposite is true of America and China.
·         Vietnam & Canada are the biggest exporters of compost, followed by China & America respectively.
·         China & America which have lowest amount of compost exported are 1,3 times lower than Canada & Vietnam.
Different subjects in map

                                    2005                                                                2010
·         C1: Trong khi toàn bộ cây xanh ở hướng bắc đã bị chặt đi cho bọn buôn lậu để nhường chỗ cho những tòa nhà chọc trời. Dòng sông ở khu vực trung tâm bị san phẳng và được thay thế bởi 1 công viên.
·         C2: Toàn bộ cây ở hướng bắc và dòng sông ở trung tâm cái mà xuất hiện ở làng Lena 2005 đã được thay đổi bởi toàn bộ những tòa nhà chọc trời và một công viên lớn.
·         While trees were cut down to give way to a series of skyscrapers, a river in the centre was removed and replaced by a huge park in 2010.
·         All trees in the north and a river in the centre which were main features in Lena's village in 2005, were gone to give way to the birth of skyscrapers and a huge park respectively.
·         After all trees in the north and a river in the center which were main features in 2005 were gone, skyscrapers and a huge park appealed, respectively in 2010.

4.      WRITING TASK 2
By dint of / By virtue of : Nhờ có việc
With hope of / In hope of
So as to / In order to
In an effort to
Thanks to (overused)
As a consequence of
Owning to Ving
Due to Ving
On account of
Because of
As a result of

IELTS WRITING - Relative clause

·         She is my friend. She works in a bank.
     She who works in a bank is my friend.
     She working in a bank is my friend.
     Cô ý làm việc ở nhà băng là bạn của tôi.
1.      How to reduce relative clause?
·         I read a book. It's written by Jim Collins.
     I read a book written by Jim Collins.
► At the beginning:
·         Working as a teacher, she finds that life is less competitive than ever.
     She who works as a teacher finds that life is less competitive than ever.
·         Located in Hanoi, the restaurant is one of people's interest.
     Located in Hanoi, I often visit this restaurant.
2.      Three positions of relative clause
a)      Beginning: Having witnessed people suffer poverty and loss of freedom, Ho Chi Minh decided to leave in search of answer.
b)      Middle:
·         HCM who witnessed
·         People suffer poverty and lost of freedom decided to leave in search of answer.
c)      End: People are working hard for a live which is sufficiently physical and mental.
3.      Line graph

            Mệnh đề quan hệ được sử dụng một cách triệt để trong các bài biểu đồ tròn, đường, quy tròn.
·         Câu tiền sử: Số lượng trai mại dâm ở lớp cô Lena tăng từ từ vào tháng 1, số lượng đó giữ nguyên không đổi vào tháng 2.
     C1: Tăng 1 cách từ từ vào tháng 1, số lượng trai mại dâm không đổi vào tháng 2.
     C2: Số lượng trai mại dâm cái mà tăng từ từ vào tháng 1, giữ nguyên không đổi vào tháng 2.
     C3: Có 1 sự tăng từ từ vào tháng 1 về số lượng trai mại dâm.
·         Beginning: Gradually going up in February, the number of male prostitutes remains unchange in February.
·         Middle: The number of prostitutes which sees a gradual increase in January stabilizes in February.
·         End:
     January sees a gradual climb in the number of ladies of the night which remains the same in February.
     There is a gradual climb in the number of ladies of the night in January which remains the same in February.

► Application in Writing task 1:
·         C1: Seeing a stable trend for the first 4 months in 2004, the number of Internet users climbed dramatical during final periods.
·         C2: The quantity of Internet users which saw a stable trend for the first 4 months in 2004 climbed dramatically during final periods.
·         C3:
     The first 4 months in 2004 saw a stable trend in the number of Internet users which climbed dramatically during final periods.
     There was a stable trend in the number of Internet users in 2004 which climbed.
     A stable trend was seen in the number of Internet users in 2004 which climbed dramatically during final periods.
·         Topic sentence: First of all, the significant investment in defense can cause economic losses to nations.
·         Supporting idea: North Korea is a stark example. This nation has spent above 70% budget on the army and weapon. It has suffered financial crisis and appealed for fiscal support from the international community.
     Beginning: As a stark example, having earmarked 70% of its national budget for the army and nuclear weapon, North Korea has undergone financial crisis and called for fiscal support from the international community.
     Middle: For example, North Korea which has allocated 70% of its national budget for army and nuclear weapon has faced financial recession and appealed for fiscal assistance from the international community.
     End: For instance, the experience of financial crisis and appeal for fiscal help from the international community are well seen in North Korea which has poured above 70% of its budget into the army and nuclear weapon.
► Application in Writing task 2:
·         C1: Feeling disappointed with bitter failures of their team, some hooligans can hardly control their feeling and attack the visiting players.
·         C2: Some hooligans who are disappointed with bitter failures of their team can hardly control their feeling and attack the visiting players.
·         C3: The inability to control their feeling and attack against the visiting players are seen in some hooligans who are disappointed with bitter failures of their team.
·         C4: Their team bitter failures disappointed some hooligans who can hardly control their feelings and attack the visiting players.
4.      Cause and effect relative clause
            Cấu trúc này được dùng để diễn đạt hành động xảy ra sau trong một bản đồ, biểu đồ đường, quy trình.

Eg:       Số lượng người bị bệnh lậu giảm mạnh vào tháng 1, số lượng này giữ nguyên không đổi vào tháng 2, số lượng này tăng vọt vào tháng 3.
·         Cách 1: Giảm mạnh vào tháng 1, số lượng người bị bệnh lậu giữ nguyên không đổi vào tháng 2, tăng vọt vào tháng 3.
·         Cách 2: Số lượng người mắc bệnh lậu cái mà giảm mạnh vào tháng 1, giữ nguyên không đổi vào tháng 2, kết thúc giai đoạn với sự tăng vọt vào tháng 3.
·         Cách 3: Tháng 1 chứng kiến một sự giảm mạnh số người mắc bệnh lậu, cái mà giữ nguyên vào tháng 2, và bị theo đuổi tăng vọt vào tháng 3.
     C1: Decreasing strongly in the first month, the number of people with syphilis stay unchanged in the second month, going up quickly in the last month.
     C2: The number of people with syphilis which decreases strongly in the first month remains unchanged in the second month, ending the period with a quick rise in the last month.
     C3: There is a decrease in the number of people with syphilis which remains unchanged in the second month, followed by a quick rise in the last month.
·         Starting with a strong decline for the first 5 years, the number of male smokers fluctuated from 1950 to 1970, ending the period with stable trend.
·         The number of male smokers which underwent a significant decline in the first 5 years fluctuated from 1950 to 1970, followed by a stable trend in the last years.
·         The first 5 years saw a significant drop in the quantity of male smokers which experienced a fluctuation from 1950 to 1970, staying unchanged in the last years.


            In the first stage, coal and oxygen are mixed together in the furnace, producing raw syngas.
►Pie chart

            Topic sentence plays the most important part, accounting for 50%, followed by example and supporting ideas, respectively.

·         For example, North Korea has suffered financial crisis and appealed for fiscal support from the international community, which come from / is the result of / the consequence of / its allocation of above 70% its national budget for the army and weapon.
·         For example, North Korea has allocated 70% national budget for the army, which leads to their / which is the culprit of / is the reason for / is a contributor to / is responsible for financial crisis and appeal for fiscal support from international community.
·         Some hooligans are disappointed with their team's bitter failure, which leads to / responsible for / results in / is a culprit of / is the reason for / is the cause of their inability to control their feelings and attack against the visiting players.
·         Some hooligans can hardly control their feelings and attack their visiting players which comes from / result from / is the consequence of their disappointment about their team's bitter failure.

·         Biểu đồ đường: Vị trí đầu, giữa, cuối.
·         Chart: line, pie.
·         Process 

IELTS WRITING - Topic sentence & Supporting ideas

·         A paragraph contains 2 – 7 sentences developing 1 main idea.
·         A paragraph can have 1, 2 or 3 supporting ideas
·         To link supporting ideas, we can …
A good supporting idea should be:
·         03 requirements
     ideas do not overlap
I.       Clarity
·         sign-post
·         agree or disagree and its degree
·         who/what is mentioned?
1.      Sign-post
The first idea:
·         Firstly, clause
·         First, clause
·         In the first place, clause
·         The first benefit is to do something / is that + clause / is noun phrase
The second idea:
·         Secondly, clause
·         Second, clause
·         Furthermore / Moreover / In addition / Equally important, clause
·         The second benefit / Disadvantages is to do something / is that clause / is noun phrase
·         Another benefit is
The third idea:
·         Thirdly / Third / In the third place, clause
·         Furthermore / Moreover / In addition, clause
·         Lastly, clause
2.      Agree & Disagree

Benefit / Advantage -> Have (a) positive / good influence / impact(s) on sth -> Have (a) great / significant / tremendous positive impact(s) on sth

Disadvantage / drawback / downside -> Have (a) negative/ unwanted / adverse effect(s) on sth -> Have (an) appalling / catastrophic / disastrous consequence(s) to sth / effect(s) on sth

Note: Đối tượng ảnh hưởng, con người, xã hội
·         Hoạt động nuôi vật nuôi có ảnh hưởng tới sức khỏe của chúng ta.
·         Phá hủy các căn nhà cổ sẽ ảnh hưởng tới nhận thức của giới trẻ.
3.      Who and what?
·         Rule
·         Diversity the objects mentioned by using synonyms.
·         Victims / patients / addicts / abusers / suffers
Neutural and positive
·         Learner / users / owners / watchers / viewers / players
·         The older / the young / children / adults / parents / couples

II.    Formality & how to achieve it
·         Advoid Verb-ing at the beginning of the sentence and using overused words like get / help / make.
·         Start with a noun phrase and use formal fixed phrases fluently.
Ex: Watching TV, first of all, has negative effects on people's health.
Advoid Ving
            Add a synonym → start with a sign post → start with words showing degree → turn V-ing into people → use complex structures → put effect before reason.
·         Synonym: The habit of / Addiction to watching TV, first …
·         People: TV addicts may also suffer health problems
·         Sign-post: Another undeniable disadvantage of watching TV is to adversely affect people's health.
·         Word of degree: Another possible result of watching TV is to adversely affect people's health.
·         Effect before reason: People's health deterioration is another drawback of watching TV too much.
·         Complex: When people watch TV too much, they may suffer health problems.
III.  Concise
·         Don't list
·         Don't give example
·         Sure about the idea
·         Make sure topic sentences in an essay not overlap each other.
·         Vary your structures in the topic sentences.
·         Follow three criteria.
·         The first benefit of watching TV is to greatly enrich people's knowledge. (Sign-post)
·         The improvement in communication skill is another benefit of TV viewers. (Effect as the subject)
·         Finally, watchers can enjoy recreational and interesting moments through different TV program. (People as the subject)